Geosynthetics Student Development Award
Geosynthetics Limited is committed to investment in people and the community with a strong emphasis on development and education.
The Geosynthetics Limited Student Development Award intended to encourage local students to further their education and also enable the company to forge and strengthen links with local schools and colleges and aid future development.
What is it?
Recipients will receive £1,000 each year of their degree course.
There will also be a paid internship each summer.
Students will work alongside and be mentored by experienced professionals.
There is the potential for full time employment on graduation.
How do I qualify?
Candidates must apply and take up a place at University to study Civil Engineering.
Candidates should live in the Hinckley and Bosworth, Nuneaton and Bedworth or South Leicester Areas.
They must also satisfactorily undertake a paid work internship with the company during the summer vacations.
How to apply
Candidates need to send a CV, a Personal Statement and a letter of recommendation from their School/College to G McDermott C/O Geosynthetics along with a written solution to the problems posed below.
Applications should be received by the last day of April.
Candidates may then be contacted to discuss the application or invited for interview.
For further information or to discuss any aspect of the Geosynthetics Limited Student Development Award please contact Gary McDermott on 01455 617139 or Email [email protected]
Questions for Applicants
- Please name five different types of Geosynthetics.
- Which type of geosynthetic is used for the reinforcement of a piling mat?
- Which geosynthetic is used as an impermeable liner in ponds and reservoirs?
- For the protection of slopes there are different blankets and mats used as erosion control systems. Please name at least 3 erosion control mats.
- Which system is used for the construction of access roads and car parks over Tree Root Protection zones?