
How Geosynthetics Ltd can support housing developments post COVID-19.

How Geosynthetics Ltd can support housing developments post COVID-19.

Many industries have come to a standstill due to the pandemic, leaving plenty of projects unfinished and delayed. Now, with the end near these industries have started moving forward again with projects restarting and construction sites reopening. However, with a large back log of projects yet to be started, and the need for housing increasing, the question on all housing developers minds is how can they save money and time while still achieving top quality results.

Geosynthetics Ltd have the answer they need.

There are several key requirements housing developments need to mee. These include; health and safety, environmental impact, cost, performance and longevity. Housing developers are also constantly met by site specific requirements and obstacles such as poor ground conditions, the need to use heavy machinery, as well as cold months and wet weather which makes site access problematic. Overcoming these obstacles can prove to be expensive and can extend the project programme beyond what was initially anticipated. This leads to the need of access roads and working platforms.

However, the installation and environmental cost of typical unreinforced stone solutions can be high. Especially when in many cases, once complete the access road must be removed restoring the area to its original use. Making it understandable as to why the cost and time can be at the forefront of the developers minds.

Luckily, Geosynthetics Ltd have the ideal ‘Value Engineered’ solutions to these obstacles.

Geosynthetics Limited’s diverse range of products enables customers to achieve a cost-effective access solution and remove the risks housing developers often face. Combining high modulus geogrids, which reduce the required road depth by enhancing load distribution, with our highly permeable geotextiles allows customers to access sites throughout the year. Geosynthetics Limited has experience in creating access routes throughout the UK including hard to reach windfarm sites in the remotest of locations. Furthermore, if your housing development is situated close to a tree root protection area Geosynthetics Limited also specialise in creating safe and stable access routes through the tree root protection areas in accordance with BS:5837:2012.

Temporary access roads not your only issue? If you are concerned about the use of heavy machinery and construction vehicles on poor ground conditions you may need to consider a working platform. Working platforms are used to provide a safe and durable surface from which heavy plant such as piling rigs and cranes can safely operate. The specific design of a working platform can vary greatly dependant on a number of factors including underlying soil conditions, loading requirements and the type of granular soil used. Geosynthetics In-House Civil Engineers provide Technical Recommendations and preliminary calculations to minimise the depth of the working platform, ensuring you have the most economic and sustainable solution every time.

Get your housing developments back on track today with Geosynthetics Ltd’s assistance. Our Civil Engineers offer free Technical Recommendations, preliminary calculations and training seminars. To get technical advice, or to book a seminar, please contact the sales office on 01455 617139 or email [email protected].